Why Hypnosis?

Clients come to me when they have tried other methods of healing and have not found success. While I am a proponent of traditional talk therapy, and am pursing a Ph.D. in psychology, I have found that hypnosis has great success getting to the core problem quicker. One can then continue to work on issues with their counselor, should they wish to further unpack these deep hidden causal events.

How does hypnosis work?

Our minds work on two levels, the conscious and subconscious. Logic, reason, decision making and willpower lie in our conscious mind. Our conscious mind and conscious thought process only uses about 12% of our mind.

Everything we have learned or associated is stored in the subconscious mind. This is about 88% of our mind’s capabilities, but it is generally closed from our conscious thoughts.  This is why you may find it hard to make the positive changes you are seeking. 

We are taught willpower is how we change habits, but the subconscious mind has considerable influence on our actions and decisions.

In the relaxed state we call hypnosis, we communicate with the subconscious mind. This is why people see quick results.  Clients find hypnosis helps them to change stubborn lifetime habits and reach their goals.

How can hypnosis help me lose weight?

Hypnosis is the fastest, most effective way to change habits and eliminate cravings. We also look for the underlying cause of your weight gain. I can then help you create new positive habits, behaviors and feelings about losing weight. And importantly, the mindset to maintain those habits and behaviors for lasting change.

What does a Hypnotherapist do?

A hypnotherapist’s scope of practice involves vocational, avocational (sport/hobby) and self-improvement counseling. I am not a medical doctor and cannot address issues that qualify as medical, emotional, or psychological disorders. Hypnotherapists do not diagnose, prescribe or treat medical or psychological disorders.

What are your qualifications?

I completed 336 credit hours with the oldest and first Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy in the United States. Additionally, I hold Certifications in Hypnosis and ADHD and Hypnosis and Weight Loss.  I am devoted to Continuing Education so I can better serve my clients.

Choosing a good hypnotherapist is important. They will know how to effectively help you change your behaviors and habits allowing you to take control of your life.

Can I be hypnotized?

Everyone can be hypnotized. It is a natural state that is experienced several times a day and you often can slip into a state of hypnosis without realizing it. If you can listen and follow directions, you can be brought into a hypnotic state. However, you must allow it to happen during our session to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Examples of hypnosis:

  • Have you ever driven somewhere and don’t remember how you got there; this is an example of hypnosis.
  • Have you ever let yourself get drawn into a movie or a book? Where you feel what is happening on the screen or page. You can imagine or feel the tension, the fear, the joy or sadness in your body; this is also hypnosis.
  • I know you have experienced people so engrossed in their phones that they don’t even hear you talking to them; this is a form of hypnosis.
Can I be hypnotized if Im strong-willed or have a controlling personality?

Yes. Many people feel that they are too strong to be hypnotize; that hypnosis is for the weak and naive. But in fact, people who are intelligent and strong-willed are generally very successful with hypnosis because they are good at using their brains for success.

How will I know if I’m hypnotized?

Many people won’t be able to tell if they are in a hypnotic state. Some people don’t even think that they were hypnotized. But they will find that the issue or behaviors that they came to change are no longer as big an issue.

Hypnosis is simply a deeply relaxed state.   Most people enter a hypnotic state several times a day with out realizing it. When driving on a familiar road, you may daydream and next thing you know you are pulling into your destination. This is called driving hypnosis.

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is approved by the American Psychological Association to treat many conditions. While being hypnotized under the care of a certified hypnotherapist you are still able to hear, see, and think rationally on your own. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t lose control over your own behavior.

How does hypnosis feel? Will I be asleep?

Hypnosis is a natural state. You will experience a deep sense of relaxation. You will feel very relaxed, calm and at ease.

You will hear everything I say, although your memory of the session could be a little foggy afterwards. 

Sounds from the environment may be louder at times, that is normal. Hypnosis puts you in a state of hyper awareness. Research shows that 20-60 minutes of hypnosis can feel like 4-8 hours of restful sleep. 

Can hypnosis make me do something against my will?

A hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything that you don’t want to do.  Hypnosis is not external mind control. It gives YOU the power to control your mind.

Will I tell you my deep dark secrets?

No. Hypnosis is not a truth serum. You are in control of what you share and don’t share while in hypnosis

Will I get stuck in Hypnosis?

You cannot be stuck in hypnosis.  I will guide you OUT as I guided you in. However, if an alarm were to go off, you would quickly and easily come out of the hypnotic state and be able to handle the situation as needed.

All hypnosis is SELF hypnosis. I am simply a guide to help take you into state and give you the positive suggestions for the changes YOU would like to make.

Can hypnosis help me with any other problems?

Yes. Hypnosis is effective for a wide range of interests: personal, vocational, avocational and self-improvement. Clients often seek me out for weight loss, ending food cravings, smoking cessation, stress management, improving self-confidence, improving sports performance, test taking and public speaking. If you are interested in other applications, ask about what hypnosis can do for you.