Weight Loss

Hypnosis can promote weight loss, healthy eating habits and behaviors by increasing motivation, self-esteem, and self-control.

  • Americans spend 58 billion dollars a year on weight loss, diet programs, products, diet foods, drinks and fads.
  • 50 million Americans will go on diets this year.
  • 95% of diets fail.
  • Of those 5% who succeed in taking weight off, 95% of them will gain the weight back within 2 years!

You may have heard all this before, but did you know:

It’s not your fault!

This is because we are just taught to change our outside image. To look for a quick fix and easy solution. A pill, a plan or a shot. Never were we taught to look for the cause of our weight gain. We are taught it is all willpower. Together, we will discover what is driving your impulses to eat.

For permanent weight loss, we need to change what’s going on inside, mentally, emotionally and physically. When we work on the inside the outside will change.

It’s not just about food and exercise. Its about many other things such as: emotions, stress, personal relationships, business obligations, self-love, worthiness, beliefs, fears, habits, associations to food, addiction, etc.

Through hypnotherapy, I will help you create new positive habits, behaviors and feelings about losing weight and the mindset to maintain it.

You will learn the three phases of healthy, permanent weight loss. You will learn how to prepare yourself to reach your goals, change your self-image, increase motivation, inspire self-love/self-care and create a Life Script that guides you to your goal weight, allowing you to live a more fulfilling and happy life!