A black and white image of a clock
Caring, Considerate Hypnosis For A Better You

A woman in grey jacket smiling for the camera.

About Kim

Kim Schlanger is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute, and a member in good standing with the American Hypnosis Association. 

A woman standing in front of a mirror.

Weight Loss

For permanent weight loss, we need to change what’s going on inside us; mentally, emotionally, and physically. When we work on the inside, the outside will change.

A woman sitting on top of a rock in front of trees.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnosis?

What does a hypnotherapist do?

Is hypnosis safe?

How does hypnosis help me lose weight?

125+ Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You

A list of other ways hypnotherapy can help you overcome obstacles to your success and help you achieve life goals.

I tend to be a binge eater. Also a big sweets and fast food junkie. Kim has really helped me to get away from all of those things and replace them with healthier habits.

“I walk right by the donuts at the office and they’re not calling my name anymore.  Halloween candy is untouched in the bag. My daughter bought fudge while on vacation and I had no desire to eat it.”